With over 15 years of experience, Brian has done a little bit of everything. With a strong focus on multifamily, he has many great tips for increasing value in his buildings, and attracting better tenants. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

It’s one of the best bargains in Grand Rapids


Brian Hamrick Real Estate Background:

Owner of Hamrick Investment Group Hosts the "Rental Property Owner & Real Estate Investor Podcast" Sold over $16 million in single-family, multifamily, and apartment real estate Syndicated three large apartment deals raising over $6 million from private investors Fifteen years of experience investing in single family, multifamily & apartment real estate. Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan Say hi to him at http://www.higinvestor.com/ Best Ever Book: 48 Laws of Power



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