Dave has spent 9 years researching and working on his book Clouded Titles. He has saved investors thousands of dollars by helping them avoid properties and titles with issues. In this episode, he explains what to run from when you see it on a title, or if you're brave how to go about working around the red flags. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Well I might own it, I might not, if I do, I’m deeding it to you.


Dave Krieger Background:

Currently serves as paralegal, analyst and consultant for attorneys that handle real estate matters Author of Clouded Titles – MAYDAY EDITION Former major market radio news reporter and news director Won national and state news awards from Associated Press   Based in Austin, Texas Say hi to him at http://cloudedtitles.com/ Best Ever Book: The Big Short

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