He began his investing career buying properties for himself. When he started finding more deals than he could buy, it was time to help other people with their investing. His company still uses this model, as well as managing the properties after the purchase. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

Relationships are the key


Steve Earl Real Estate Background:

CEO at Done For You Real Estate USA, a full service real estate team His company has delivered 3,000+ properties, 2,200 currently under mngmt, clients in 40+ states Served the Boy Scouts of America for 20 years+ Been married to his sweetheart 26+ years, 4 kids, 2 grandsons Based in Orem, Utah Say hi to him at http://doneforyouproperties.com/ Best Ever Book: Think and Grow Rich

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