If you have been borrowing money from individuals consistently, you may have been selling a security without even knowing.  If that sounds like you, I highly suggest listening to today’s episode and figure out what you need to do in the future to properly cover yourself. From JV agreements to disclosure statements, a great attorney like our guest today can tell you everything you need to be on the right side of the law. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


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You have to develop a network of potential investors.


Kim Lisa Taylor Real Estate Background:

Founder of Syndication Attorneys PLLC, a boutique corporate securities law firm Written over 100 securities offerings and JV Agreements for entrepreneurs raising money from private investors - $50,000 to $100,000 or more at a time Highly sought after speaker, author and lawyer Based in Saint Augustine, Florida Say hi to her at http://syndicationattorneys.com/ Best Ever Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad

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