If you’re struggling to find your next deal, try attending meetups - or even start your own! That’s exactly what Anson has done and he credits the meetings to over $100,000 in revenue from deals he would have missed out on otherwise. Something so simple that anyone can do, can have major returns!  If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

Best Ever Tweet:

Building that rapport often times wins me deals, even if I’m not the highest price.


Anson Young Real Estate Background:

Owner of Anson Property Group LLC Real estate investor with over 10 years experience Specializes in wholesaling and flipping with a robust background in construction Launching first real estate investing book Based in Denver, Colorado Say hi to him at Best Ever Book: The Obstacle is the Way

Click here for a summary of Anson's Best Ever advice: How to Make Over 6-Figures with this Simple Networking Strategy 

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