In this time of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, the discussion of Indigenous participation in STEM is extremely important. Desiree Marshall-Peer, a Cree-Ojibway educator at the University of British Columbia Okanagan, joins Best of the WWEST producer Vanessa to explore decolonizing STEM and education. We cover how Indigenous ways of knowing are being incorporated in and changing mainstream school, what the barriers to Indigenous students going into STEM fields are, and what can be done to bring them more into the STEM fields. Plus, we discuss how oral traditions are valid and important within STEM and even are being incorporated into recent STEM research.

For full shownotes, transcription, and land acknowledgement visit

Relevant Links: A History of the First Nations College Movement in Canada, 1969-2000 Best of the WWEST Episode 79: Indigenizing STEM Education Desiree at University of British Columbia Okanagan First Nations Education Steering Committee Indigenizing Education Truth and Reconciliation

Hosted by: Vanessa Hennessey
Theme Music: “Positive and Fun” by Scott Holmes
Produced by: Vanessa Hennessey