Deborah Harford calls herself a "science translator," and tells us all about what that means in this episode. She gives background on the organization she co-founded, the Climate Change Adaptation Team (ACT), explains how studying how animals and humans will have to adapt to climate change is extremely important, and also how her communication and English background factors into this organization that intersects with so many research areas. But it's not all serious - she reveals some non-work related details of her life in the Lightning Round as well.

Deborah Harford leads research into adaptation to a range of climate change impact areas, spanning water, food, health, biodiversity, energy, infrastructure, and population displacement with the Adaptation to Climate Change Team or ACT. ACT’s focus includes integrated climate solutions that advance low carbon resilience and co-benefits.

For a full transcription of this episode, click here.

Relevant Links: An Inconvenient Truth (film) The Climate Change Adaptation Team The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable (book) Dr. Nancy Olewiler The Paris Agreement Pasture to Plate Reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Dr. Richard G. Lipsey Royal Academy of Dramatic Art The SFU Summer Semester in Dialogue

Hosted by: Danniele Livengood (@livengood)
Theme Music: “Positive and Fun” by Scott Holmes
Produced by: Vanessa Hennessey

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