Join WWEST manager Danniele for a lively interview with Angie Byron. Topics include the vast world of open source programming, how Drupal and open source can change the world for the better, and Angie's mission to push some of that change forward. You'll also find out little tidbits about Angie in her life outside of Drupal.

Angie Byron is the Senior Director of Product and Community Development at Acquia. She is also a Drupal core committer, recipient of the Google-O'Reilly Open Source Award for Best Contributor, co-author of the O'Reilly book Using Drupal, and an open source evangelist who lives and breathes Drupal.

For a full transcription of this episode, click here.


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Guest: Angie Byron (@webchick)
Hosted by: Danniele Livengood (@livengood)
Theme Music: “Positive and Fun” by Scott Holmes
Produced by:  Vanessa Reich-Shackelford

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