Burnout is like a sneaky ninja that creeps up on you when you least expect it, right?

So, let's shine a light on the BLOCKS that can trigger this exhausting phenomenon.  Because it’s not just outside situations that can cause burnout - sometimes it’s US - we’re the problem and get in our own way from living the kind of life we keep saying we want to have. 

So in the episode, I want to share some of these blocks and have you do a little scan/self-assessment to see if this is something you might be doing and need to be conscious of and aware of so that you can intentionally work on to prevent it.

Mentioned in the episode:

Time Takeover Micro-Course
Other Resources - Read these:

Super Simple Self-Care Strategies to Start Today

4 Ways to Prioritize Your Self-Care

Book a Free Framework Focus Call - Let's chat and see where you are nailing it, where you are feeling the most frazzled, and the right options are for you!