Sabrina Del Duca is a Mindset & Movement Coach and a Dance Educator. With over 20 years of experience as a dance teacher and 10 years as a Client Relationship Director in the advertising industry, working with some of the biggest accounts in North America & Europe, Sabrina has mastered the art of human communication and designing strategies for getting results.

In 2019 she took a huge risk. Following a burnout, Sabrina needed to make a major change to her lifestyle. Fueled by her fascination for personal development and passion for helping and serving others, Sabrina left her corporate career to carve a new path within the wellness space.

This began a complex healing journey that led Sabrina to start her own coaching company, where she can empower others to get into the driver’s seat and create a life that inspires them, just like she did.

Sabrina combines her years of experience teaching dance, leading projects & designing strategies to empower you to unlock your potential, set meaningful goals, and navigate life's challenges with resilience and courage. Together, we can “Rewrite Your Life” and start this new & exciting chapter with confidence.

Sabrina also launched her Podcast "Get Into Flow" in 2022, using her voice and love for public speaking to provide practical tools to help shift your mindset and take inspired action.

Connect with Sabrina here:

IG: @DuchessSabrina & @GetIntoFlowPodcast