"These codes of self-regulation become a powerful standard to live by when they can be practiced unconditionally." -Patanjali

This week...We reflect on your Will, Awareness and Humility. During this dharma talk, we explore the benefit of harnessing your will power to guide you while you practice refining your awareness and express your will for the benefit of all. Finally, you will discover how humility will be your ally in this process.

May all beings everywhere remember the true causes of happiness. LOVE.

“Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.” – Osho

Beyond Enlightenment

Random Rab

NEW SINGLE 'Shine.': Cadre Scott
Dante Marino

Sound Suzanne Toro https:linktr.ee/omshetoro

Weekly Classes + Programs:

Mind You + Food
Sol+Luna Cycle 'Well Being + Love"

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media