Every lunar cycle the "moon" reflects light and shadow. We have reached the NEW moon in a month currently identified as January, in the 12th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). The NEW Moon and the season of WINTER invites you into to be still with what is rising up and sifting out of your entire being. Imagine the fresh snow providing you with a blank canvas to start fresh in the first of the upcoming spring season.

In accord with Chinese Traditions, the lunar cycle marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations. (Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to all celebrating). This Lunar cycle is a procession leading to the Tibetan New Year. Then we will begin our procession into SPRING celebrations in the Northern Hemisphere.

For this astronomical moment, is inviting you to START FRESH. Leave it all behind or at least that which no longer serves. From there, you are invited to lean into a new 'era' by letting go of the imprints and obstructions that no longer serve your well being and humanity’s. Furthermore, this is that moment to vision, create and move into silent action. The era of refining your innate gifts and serving with them. Your gifts are precious and contribute to the whole. You have a unique role.

In addition, it is that beautiful opportunity to remember how to RECEIVE and refine why, how and where you GIVE. It will be important for you to acknowledge that which you create is the force of energy within you that bridges that which you receive and give. This is a regenerative force that exists within you. As you begin to balance those energies, you will create the space to deepen your understanding of what this truly means from within you. You will learn how Receiving and Giving is kept in harmony within you and with the world around you.