"Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work” ~ Gustave Flaubert

As these seasons quickly move into the next…Fire + Water offers us one more reflection of how far you have come this season. The earth continues to assist 'us' and encourages us to shore up our foundation and welcomes us to rebuild trust from within for the remainder of this lunar cycle. I invite all my brothers and sisters to take a well needed pause and reflect on what is for you here and now. Notice and observe where you are ready to move into mindful action. Taking into full consideration the lawful law of cause and effect. These awarenesses will assist you in this upcoming lunar cycle as you being to choose the path you want to take for self and all your relations. The threshold you choose becomes the entrance into your potential and possibilities.

The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, September 25 (26), 2022 at 2:54 PM PDT (-7 UTC) The(Fall)Yin and(Spring)Masculine in the Bi-Annual Energy Flip. We have shifted into the crisp air of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and the dew filled grass in the Southern Hemisphere. With leaves falling and air clearing our brother’s and sister’s, in the northern hemisphere, are invited to clear those lungs running through an apple orchard or sitting down for a fireside cry. With wood rising and action ignited, in the southern hemisphere, our sister’s and brother’s, are invited to practice patience, germinate new creations and express a loud roar as needed. (Read More Here)


Random Rab
Sound: Cosmic+ Ether + Air by Sound Suzanne Toro