“When you come upon a path

that brings benefit

and happiness to all,

follow this course

as the moon

journeys through the stars.

Gautama Buddha”

Today the New Moon Arrives.d on February 9, 2023 at
 2:59 PM PST into LUNAR CYCLE 1 in the Tibetan Count and the Observed Year of 2151. At the Equator we are entering into Cycle 13.

I am wishing you all an early Losar as we enter into the WOOD Dragon...May you all have the courage to Stand UP and remember your free will and LOVE.

Many blessings to you all HUMANITY.

I will be sharing a longer transmission tomorrow in written words. Check back for the link here and/or on social or the website.



‘Fields of Flowers' by Cadre Scott
Random Rab Dante Marino

Sound Suzanne Toro

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media