Preparing ourselves to release, transform, and flow with the new season of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. 


Continue to make a effort towards your immediate focus (water and shine the sun on those seeds) and work towards that larger vision. Adapt from moment to moment...STAY WITH YOUR FLOW! Remember the greatest gift you can give yourself and humanity is to nourish your well being.

Be Wise. BE BOLD. BE YOU. Transform from Within.

A Lunar Cycle New Moon to New Moon

August 30th to September 28th

An Opportunity to Release, Welcome in the New and Transform into the Fall Season.

Rise UP with the Harvest MOON!

This process will benefit your well being and natural state of being.

The exchange is to pay-it-forward with a random anonymous act of kindness and share your experience with me.

Daily Time Commitment will be 13-21 minutes.

Music: Random Rab...Me She

Suzanne Toro

On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential

Bali 2020 Adventure 

Soul Sessions
Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment