“Yoga is the ending of disturbances of the mind.” ~ Patanjali

Today, we dive into a dharma talk we will breakdown the shakedown and welcome all that are willing to rejoice as we move forward as an awakened HUManity. 

Merging with New MOON:

Every lunar cycle the "moon" reflects light and shadow. We have reached the New Moon in a month currently identified as July in the 6th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).

As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are deepen their relation in what it means to jump into natures ice bath their kidneys (fear) invite them to anchor in deep knowing and fearlessness. Simultaneously, reorienting their creative energy to be utilized in a new way. In addition, our Brother’s and Sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are start to nourish heart (small intestines) and open the heart to JOY. REJOICE. Finding the perfect stream of fun. No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to SHIFT, renew and HONOR yourself. Continue to listen, observe and plant your seeds with an engaged imagination calibrated with your wisdom.

As a gentle reminder, leave the stadium. SOFTEN your gaze. Focus on your inner mastery. 

The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) Yesterday, July 17 (16), 2023 at 11:31 A.M. PDT

As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention.


‘Beauty Is' by Cadre Scott 

Random Rab

Sound Suzanne Toro 

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media
Book: SunPlay