I Took It as a Sign

"Someone sent a band to my house, 

And it started playing 

At five in the morning.

I took this as a sign 

God wanted me to sing!

Then the moon joined in 

And a few of the tenor-voiced stars,

And the earth offered its lovely belly 

As a drum.

Before I knew it, 

I realized 

All human beings could be happy

If they just had a few music lessons 

From a Sweet Old Maestro 

Like Hafiz."

— Hafiz , I Heard God Laughing by Daniel Ladinsky

Every lunar cycle the "moon" reflects light and shadow. We have reached the FULL Moon in a month currently identified as July in the 5th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).

As a gentle reminder, contemplate your humanity and your inner gifts are destined to serve others. EACH of YOU ARE UNIQUE and have something divine to contribute to the whole. 

Love to all. Peace to all. Well Being to all.

Prior Segment Grand Awakening

“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” Patanjali

The Full Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, July 3 (2), 2023 at 4:39 A.M. PDT