"By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward those who are happy, compassion for those who are suffering, and indifference or disregard toward those we perceive as wicked or evil, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness." - Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, 1.33

In today's session, we'll delve into self-examination and explore areas where we're ready to improve. We'll examine our obstacles, afflictions, habits, and expressions that have an impact on our state of being and relationships. Furthermore, you'll discover ways to cleanse your mind, heart, and actions, enhancing your overall well-being.

As inspired, soften your gaze, sip up life with a content and beaming heart.

Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.


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 ‘SunBeam' by Cadre Scott 

Sound Suzanne Toro 

Produced by Dante Marino 

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media

Mind Training: 


Living Tea 


ZinZino Balance Oil 

Balance + Focus Quick Link