"Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart." — Patanjali

This week we dive into the power of the remembrance of innocence. From this place of innocence you will embody the purity of energy that leads you to doing your part to leading an inner and outer evolution for the benefit of all. May all beings everywhere remember the true causes of happiness. LOVE.
Emotional Intelligence

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NEW SINGLE 'Shine.': Cadre Scott
Dante Marino

Suzanne Toro

Weekly Classes + Programs:

Mind You + Food
Sol+Luna Cycle 'Well Being + Love"
8 Limbs Yoga Session:
Bare Naked Bliss Gift Bundle...Learn how to love from within, remember bliss and serve your highest calling. 

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media