"If you have a choice, if you say you will not move into sadness, that you want only happiness, then you cannot flow. Flow is only possible if you accept everything as it is, unconditionally." Osho

Today, We dive into the power of calibration from the inside out. We all have the opportunity to get radically honest with our minds, hearts, bodies and souls. The inner to out alignment will assist you in migrating to an interdependent human Being that has the capacity to move in dynamic motion for the benefit of all. 

As inspired, ground in your heart, clear your mind, calibrate and weave with your soul the benefit of all.

Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.

“Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.” – Hafez

Random Rab 
‘SunBeam' by Cadre Scott 

Sound Suzanne Toro