Sol. Silence. Sound. Weekly Dharma Talk, Silent Meditation and Sound Therapy.

This week we are coming off the transition into the New Moon. The new lunar cycle. We are riding the waves into the new frontier. For some that is effortless and for others that might feel like waves crashing over top of you. Or it might feel like somewhere in between. No matter what your journey is, remember that you your daily efforts internally and externally are significant and matter. 

During this dharma talk we will dive into power of self awareness and accountability. In an era of digitization smoke and mirrors, it is very easy to evade the what is. As inspired, take this moment to dive deeper into this contemplation with me. Then, take some to objectively observe yourself from the inside out. 

"Uninterrupted discriminative discernment is the method for its removal (Swami Satchidananda translation). The remedy that removes ignorance is an unwavering flow of discriminative discernment (viveka) which perceives the difference between the Seer and seen." (Rev. Jaganath translation).
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NEW SINGLE 'Shine.': Cadre Scott
Dante Marino

Sound Suzanne Toro

Seasonal Reboot(available worldwide)
Fall Shed, Balance + Cleanse
Spring Balance, Reboot + Cleanse