Today across Britain families will be celebrating Father's Day, a day of remembrance and celebration.

Joining me in the room is Abigail Tuitt, growing up in a loving and supportive family, Abi's dad was doting and expressed love with actions, dropping her off to the train station and surprising her with gifts, encouraging her to do well in her studies, as well as offering to make her breakfast. Often daughters are described by their fathers as their princess, he was an integral part of her life. The life and soul of the party and the foundation of her wider family his death came as a huge shock, he died suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. 

Abi talks with me about her breakdown following his death, therapy and her travels to the other side of the world that helped aid her healing, the intersection between grief and travel. 

She openly reflects and questions in what i would describe is the utmost vulnerability and courage, 'my father was a integral part of my life, what is my purpose now?'

We close the episode on why grief can be so intense and as time goes on how Abi carries her grief in her rucksack/backpack, that ultimately grief is love. 

A personal note from me; as someone who was also close to my father this was one of the most relatable conversation's I have ever had about the loss of a father and the integral role of a father in the family system. 

As always, thanks for listening, and if you want to vote for us in the British Podcast Award's for listeners choice, here is the link; 

Until next time take good care of yourself. 

Your host,

Callsuma Ali