A break in the usual format in light of #DiabetesAwarenessWeek 

Joining me in the room is PHD student Priya, I invited her to take part in a reflective discussion about role models in our Bangladeshi community, type 2 diabetes and all things food!

We all know we are going to die one day, that is a fact of life, some of us will die because of poor health and disease, I am a firm believer that health is wealth and you are what you eat, without sounding like a preacher I am under no illusion that I personally struggle with my own food choices and living a healthier lifestyle, particularly since being diagnosed with diabetes where i feel my diabetes team is failing to support me holistically. 

Diabetes is so common in the Bangladeshi community and as someone who lives with type 2 diabetes and a blood cell disorder, i am keen to unpack what I have consumed over the past 3 decades, this includes my free school meals and portion sizes, coming from a family who was socio-economically disadvantaged, vulnerable and other social detriments I look back to see what's been happening and what might have caused and impacted my poor physical and mental health.  Following my bereavements and declining mental health, I wonder if this has had a impact on my food choices too.

Priya highlights that the environment is so key in helping us reach our health goals, her project explores the role psycho-social cultural factors play in South Asians dietary behaviour, she is interested in type 2 diabetes, developing preventative lifestyle and interventions using behaviour change models, women's health and mental health to improve health outcomes, particularly focusing on addressing deprivation within the Bangladeshi community. Looking at barriers we might face when accessing health services or implementing lifestyle changes. 

I hope this special Diabetes Awareness Week episode brings you food for thought and that you enjoy my personal anecdotes!

Remember there is still time to vote Bereavement Room in the British Podcast Awards for the listeners choice, https://linktr.ee/bereavementroom 

Thanks for listening,
