1. Many professing Christians run fast and loose with the Law-claiming that they can now do the Law and putting themselves under contractual obligations that were only for one who was under the Law of Moses and yet still claiming to be under grace. It is spiritual harlotry.--2. To believe the true gospel and to teach it accurately-we have to distinguish those things that caused our salvation-the INDICATIVES from those things that are commanded to those WHO ALREADY have salvation-the IMPERATIVES-Exhortations.--3. Many professing Christians have zeal without knowledge and so they will use the exhortations or imperatives to try and work their way into the INDICATIVES-which is folly and a denial of the cross and Christ. A sinner cannot help or cause their own salvation. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.--4. The exhortations-imperatives of scripture were given to those that are already saved. They are for those who are already children of God by sovereign grace election, redemption and sanctification by Christ Jesus.--5. Good TABLE MANNERS do not make my neighbor's kids my children. My children are mine by reason of being born of me and my wife. Thus, none becomes a child of God because of doing exhortations. We are children by grace alone and adoption in Christ and the testimony of our possessing the paternity of God is in the gospel testimony. Testifying of the person and work of Christ is the most authentic test of being a child born of God.--6. In the exhortations of the gospel, we also find that they have higher spiritual significance. We talked about loving the brethren and what that entails and why the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace is the only basis that enables one to love