1. God has always been about telling the story of Christ Jesus.--2. Joseph enters into Egypt-sold by his brothers because of their hatred of his dreams of his future glory.--3. They hate him and end up selling him to the Ishmaelites -Hagar's grand children- who inturn sold him to one Potiphar-the captain of the guard. According to Galatians 4-Hagar represented the Law and so, anyone who is carried by her goes into slavery and this is who through the Ishmaelites took Joseph into the humiliation and slavery of Egypt. People do not understand the function of the Law. The Law is Hagar and it will always carry you into bondage. -4. In Egypt God began to define the work of Christ through Joseph's encounter with the one Mrs. Potiphar. Many people think they are Joseph, but none of us is Joseph in the whole story. We are Mrs. Potiphar-the adulteress who tried to sleep with Joseph, but ended up with his garment.--5. And that was a picture of the imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the sinner. And Joseph ended up in the dungeon to make payment and satisfaction for a sin that he did not commit and to say, Christ suffering for the sins of His people, Him who knew no sin.--6. But Joseph had to come out of prison-after he had been perfected through suffering and became the captain of salvation-to feed the whole nation of Egypt from a severe famine.--7. God had given Pharaoh a dream that he could not interpret-so that in its interpretation-He would exalt his servant in the salvation of the nation from the 7 years of hunger. The matter of salvation is a dream that sinners cannot interpret as to understand without the Holy Spirit. --8. And Joseph ends up being highly exalted on