This week I had joining me three excellent and relatively new breweries.

Art Is An Ale is the first French brewery to join the roundtables. Based in the Loire valley they operate a brewery and pub that started in 2019. They have a tourist and local market and are trying to divide production of beers betwen these two and what they want to brew themselves.
Freddo Fox started in Barcelona in 2021. They rapidly set out to differentiate themselves with their beers and their style. They have never brewed a beer twice but are now looking at selecting a core range.
Crafty Bear is a Dublin based brewery that started just prior to the pandemic. They've slowly built a core range and are now planning on adding to that with regular and seasonal specials.

We chatted about the different markets, the finances and planning in a brewery, the experience of starting a brewery around a pandemic, introducing craft beer to non-beer cultures and much more.