A new era began when COVID hit last year and affected all of our daily lives. Many of us in the recruitment and talent acquisition sphere shifted to a totally virtual workflow virtually overnight to adapt to the unforeseen change in circumstances. But what about the companies who had been operating entirely remotely from day one? How have they harnessed the opportunities presented by remote or distributed to create a more inclusive, personalized recruiting experience? How have they made the most of hiring from anywhere? At a time when collaboration and connection is suffering for many organizations, what can we learn from these distributed businesses about hiring for culture add rather than culture fit? In this latest episode, Pilar and Ester discuss an earlier conversation with GitLab’s Diversity & Inclusion Partner, Liam McNally, outlining some of the approaches this fully remote tech company take in their values-driven, inclusion-focused processes, and what the future of recruiting and hiring may look like for those still getting to grips with an increasingly hybrid world of work.