Episode 5 of the BeNext Radio Show is all about how to be a better virtual team leader. Here, our host Pilar Orti is joined by our Virtual Learning & Development Manager, Cindy Scholts, to discuss how shifts in workplace models have created a new set of considerations for coaches and leaders, specifically when it comes to leading, learning and navigating challenges in a hybrid world. A few topics up for discussion include: 

How did 2020 transform the way we think about virtual leadership?

How does the role of the leader differ in distributed teams? 

How can we motivate our people to attend and invest in virtual learning opportunities? 

What does collaboration and connection actually mean in a virtual context? 

How can we assuage fears around visibility in a virtual setting?

This conversation comes as part of the BeNext Leadership & Coaching in the Hybrid World Certification program, opening on June 7th 2021. Pilar will be a Lighthouse Keeper on this course, delivering the masterclass and guiding learners through the journey. To enroll and find out more, click here

The latest episode also features details of upcoming BeNext programs and exclusive insights from real BeNext learners. 

Find out more about upcoming BeNext courses here:
