Ben’s Business Podcast #101

Interviewing Cameron Herold Co-Author of Miracle Morning For Entrepreneurs & Founder of COO Alliance.

So many business owners and entrepreneurs fall into the trap of working IN the business instead of ON the business.
Author Cameron Herold , co-author of the brilliant book Miracle Morning For Entrepreneurs has the perfect exercise for you:
1️⃣Write a list of everything you do in your business.
2️⃣ Rank your level of skill for each task (Incompetent, Competent, Exellent or Unique Talent.)
3️⃣ Put a dollar value for each task. Imagine what you would pay someone who only did that single task day in and day out. What would you pay them?
4️⃣ Delegate all that you are Incompetent or competent at, and all minimum wage task.
This should free up tons of time for you to focus on high ticket, high impact work.
⁉️What do you think you would find out if you did this exercise? ⁉️
DM me to sign up for my mentorship program. This is exactly the type of ideas you will learn and master. Get back your time and multiply your riches!
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