Dr. Matthew Cook of Bioreset Medical is one of the smartest, most cutting-edge physicians I've ever met.

In one single dinner in San Francisco with him, I learned...

...how he's using the nootropic methylene blue for solving a difficult medical case...

...how he's upgrading stem cells to make them far more potent...

...how he's treating depression effectively in as little as 20 minutes with a special brew that includes ketamine, NAD and vitamin IV's...

...how he's reversing musculoskeletal disorders using something called "hydrodissection"...

...and much, much more...

Dr. Cook founded BioReset Medical Corporation and as acting President, operates a Regenerative Medicine and Pain Medicine practice that offers leading edge non-surgical solutions in orthopedic medicine, sports medicine, regenerative pain medicine, and stem cell medicine. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist with over 20 years of experience in medical practice.

Currently Dr. Cook is President of California Anesthesia, Anesthesiologist, Interventional Pain management, and Regenerative Medicine and Medical Director of the National Surgery Center, Los Gatos, CA. In addition, he sits on the scientific advisory board of several high profile medical companies including BM DOC, FREMEDICA & VASPER SYSTEMS.

Dr. Cook’s early career as an anesthesiologist and medical director of an outpatient surgery center that specializes in sports medicine and orthopedic procedures provided invaluable training in the skills that are needed to become a leader in the emerging fields of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound imaging, nerve hydrodissection, and stem cell medicine.

During our discussion, you'll discover: -What Dr. Cook did with methylene blue, and how he activated it with light...8:55 Met an expert who used it to treat interstitial cystitis, a condition that causes very painful bladder that is difficult to treat. Administered via IV, then uses blue LED light over it. There's a micro biome in the bladder. Blue light causes methylene to absorb into the bladder. Dislocates infections from the wall of the bladder. -Hydrodissection: What it is, and how it differs from prolotherapy...14:35 Sticking a needle under direct vision via ultrasound into a tissue plain in-between two muscles. Operating in a fascial plain: arteries, veins, tendons. Previous procedures involving dissection would cause scarring, sometimes leaving patients in worse shape than when they started. Pressure of fluid separating the tissue plain reduces scarring. How is it different from prolotherapy: Prolotherapy treats ligamentous laxity (joints) Hydrodissection treats the nerves and arteries that go into the joints. Treatments are done in tandem. Combination of ultrasound and x-ray is called fusion. Dr. Cook used this therapy with the Washington Nationals baseball team. -How to think of ground force going through the body...23:45 You must have structural integrity in the nerves. As force (from punching a punching bag for example) moves through the body without structural integrity, you get torque leaking out. Puts stress, wear and tear on the joint. This "leakage" compounded over time causes permanent damage to joints, ligaments, etc. Focus of treatment is to relieve this stress, or leakage, and create high quality movement to create structural integrity and prevent recurrence of the problem. - Dr. Cook's approach to stem cells, and why...28:10 Assess the patient, then tailor an appropriate treatment for the specific problem. Joints, spine, IV treatments Terms to know re: stem cells: Totipotent: capable of giving rise to any cell type or (of a blastomere) a complete embryo. Pluripotent: capable of giving rise to several different cell types. Multipotent: develop into more than one cell type, but are more limited than pluripotent cells. Autologous: obtained from the same individual Mesenchymal: An adult "professional" stem cell from a variety of ways. Here's a handy reference on stem cell terms. Whether adult stem cells can retain their healing properties without repairing tissue. No concrete answer yet. Differing approaches, regulatory apparatus is affecting the ability to answer V Cells (very small embryonic stem cells) Autologous Using umbilical cord blood and Wharton's jelly. You can donate placenta and umbilical cord blood. Wharton's jelly is the tissue that comes off the wall of the umbilical cord. Wharton's jelly, UC blood and amniotic fluid is blended together to make "matrix" of the placenta. Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory "Nature gives us a lot of clues..." Not that many stem cells in the UC blood. PRP (platelet rich plasma) PRP lysate  -Why exosomes may be the most important treatment in the future...55:25 Take stem cells and take to a lab, grow them in tissue culture; immortal cell line. Put stem cells on a ketogenic diet. Why do people still need to go overseas for treatment? "More than Minimum Manipulation": a term created by the regulatory apparatus on stem cell therapy. Must be done in Mexico; can't make there and bring across the border. Culture expanded Stem Cell Culture expanded Natural Killer Cell Therapy - Dr. Cook's unique approach to treating depression and managing pain...1:05:15 Ketamine therapy Turns off a pathway in the brain; turns on receptors (think turning off and on your computer) Makes people feel emotionally safe; gives hope. Your mind leaves "bread crumbs" of this feeling of hope; you remember it the next day, and the next... Creates a parasympathetic state -And MUCH more... Resources from this episode:

-Bioreset Medical Clinic

-Methylene Blue  

-JOOVV infrared light full body panel

-Vielight infrared light helmet

-My podcast with Dr. Harry Adelson on stem cells

Episode Sponsors:

-Kion Come check out the fabulous Christmas specials we're running starting Dec. 13, the day this podcast is released. I recommend the Daily Life Bundle, which is what I use everyday as part of my routine.

-Onnit Engineered for peak performance, Onnit is the easiest way to get optimized. Use my link and get 10% off your order.

-Marc Pro We help you recover right and keep your body healthy, so you can do the things you love now without paying for it later. Use code "ben" at checkout and receive 5% off your order.

-WHOOP By wearing WHOOP 24/7, you'll unlock the secrets your body is trying to tell you. Get a $30 discount and join the WHOOP community when you use code "ben" at checkout.

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