Oct 2, 2013 Podcast: Natural UTI remedies, how to detox your liver, can you drink BulletProof Coffee every day, six ways to deal with anxiety, and proven ways to fix muscle cramps.

Have a podcast question for Ben? Use the Contact button on the app, call 1-877-209-9439, Skype “pacificfit” or use the “Ask Ben” form... but be prepared to wait - we prioritize audio questions over text questions.


News Flashes:

You can get these News Flashes hot off the presses if you follow Ben on, and Google+.

Well trained runners benefit from strength training & it doesn't make you slower at all. Kinda sad that cross-country and track and field coaches are still stuck in their old "static stretching" ways. (I also mention book "Foundation Training" here) Gluten intolerant or want a better gut? 3 bigs things to avoid: instant coffee, cereal with milk and oatmeal.


Special Announcements:

October 4, 6:30pm Pacific: "Get Your Ideal Winter Physique" is next Inner Circle webinar. Get in for 10 bucks a month here.

October 8-16: Ben and Brock will be in Kona. Click here to help donate to the cause!

February 6 to March 6, 2014: Want to get into the Perfect Health Diet retreat in Austin, Texas? Click here for all details. Ben Greenfield will be presenting at the Feb 6-Mar 6 retreat.

If you're looking for a topic we covered in the past - we have released the Ben Greenfield Fitness Top Hits, Vol. 1 on iTunes.

And of course, this week's top iTunes review - gets some BG Fitness swag straight from Ben - leave your review for a chance to win some!



Listener Q&A:

As compiled, edited and sometimes read by Brock, the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast "sidekick".

Testimonial from Rayne @ 00:26:10I had a break through and wanted to say thank you! After listening to your pod cast I was inspired to get my act together. I've been transitioning to a lower carb eating style with increased fats and moderate protein. It's been going well - lost some weight and body fat %. I'm a relatively large guy, 6'2", 230 lbs, with approx 15%bf. But the true trial came this weekend when I ran the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim. it's 48 miles and 11000 feet of climbing. I've been running ultras for a number of years and have always used "hammer nutrition" products and consumed around 2-300 calories per hour. For this run I tried something I had never used before (Cardinal sin, I know) I used Ucan super starch, Vespa and a couple of Nut butter packets. I Felt Amazing the entire way. I began to feel sleepy in the final miles so I busted out some sport jelly beans that I had held in reserve and the glucose and caffeine woke me up and I flew out of the Canyon with a total run time of just over 13 hours. For the entire day I consumed just under 200 grams of carbs and approx 88 calories per hour! I never thought that it was possible. Thanks again for your insight and inspiration.

Natural UTI Remedies

Craig says @ 00:29:53He has a friend who is in her mid-70s who struggles with Urinary Tract Infections. She has tried all the stuff the docs suggested but they still come back. Do you have any ideas?

In my response to Craig, I mention the SexyBack Summit by Christa Orecchio and also the d-Mannose supplement and Uva Ursi herb. How To Detox Your Liver

Kristopher says @ 00:35:40 Is currently rather healthy (and an ultra runner) but was a chronic hard drug abuser in the past. He just went through a WellnessFX Performanceblood test and everything looks ok (except for elevated ALT, Liver Enzymes). Is there something specific he should be looking for or at? Is there a cleanse or detox he should use to minimize or heal the damage he has done to himself.

In my reply, I mention the following: -Liposomal Glutathione -Chlorella from RecoveryBits (use 10% discount code BEN) -Activated Charcoal -Full Spectrum Antioxidant like Lifeshotz -Capracleanse Can you drink BulletProof Coffee every day?

Allie says @ 00:52:12 Do you think it is a good idea to use Bulletproof Coffeeeveryday or should you take a few days off per week and save it for "big days"?

Six Ways To Deal With Anxiety

Michael says @ 00:58:34What would you recommend for someone with a General Anxiety Disorder and resulting chronic/adrenal fatigue. He is looking for a more natural approach to treating his disorder. He's been on meds and has weened himself off. Then he tried some natural remedies like valarian, st. john's wort, and 5-htp. They've been working pretty well but he is still feeling fatigued. He is looking for supplements, lifestyle advice, or other remedies.

In my response to Michael, I recommend: -FiveMinuteJournal -The HeartMath Institute -DirectLabs NeuroAdrenal Expanded test -PassionFlower extract -Travacor by Nutriscience -The Kalish Method book Brock also mentions: Taming Your Gremlin: A Guide to Enjoying Yourself and When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism. Proven Ways To Fix Muscle Cramps

Christopher says @ 01:13:13He recently lost a lot of weight, started eating paleo and started racing Ironman. Since then he has been getting a lot of cramps in calves, hamstrings and thighs. Not necessarily while training or racing but when he is asleep. If he flexes his calf hard enough he can cause it to cramp whenever he wants. Is there something he could add into his diet to help? Could it be dehydration?

In my response to Christopher, I mention the article on muscle cramps and I mention Natural Calm Magnesium.


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Prior to asking your question, do a search in upper right hand corner of this website for the keywords associated with your question. Many of the questions we receive have already been answered here at Ben Greenfield Fitness!

Podcast music from 80s Fitness (Reso Remix) by KOAN Sound. Buy this track now!