Nick Montgomery joins Below the Radar to talk solutions to what he calls ‘structural precarity’ in housing. He is in conversation with host Melissa Roach about a newly launched project he has co-founded, Solidarity Housing, a new model that supports homeowners in transitioning their homes to become permanently affordable housing.

A writer, theorist, and permaculturist, Nick is deeply interested in housing alternatives, collective living, and finding more sustainable ways to live a thriving life in community with others. He and Melissa speak about the legal framework and model that Solidarity Housing seeks to provide, and how to encourage solidarity across the homeowner-tenant divide through engagement in mutual aid.

Full episode details:

Read the transcript:

— Solidarity Housing:
— Solidarity Housing survey:
— Joyful Militancy: Building Thriving Resistance In Toxic Times:
— Nick Montgomery on the Grounded Futures show:

Nick Montgomery is passionate about creating alternatives to the dominant order of things, with a focus on housing and food. For the last fifteen years, he has been exploring non-profit and collective ways of living and working, including community land trusts, cooperatives, intentional communities, affinity groups, permaculture, and collective housing. He holds a PhD in Cultural Studies and has designed and taught courses for a number of universities and colleges across Canada. Nick is a writer, theory nerd, and gardener living with his partner on Sla-dai-aich (Denman Island, BC).

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Roach, Melissa. “Solidarity as One Antidote to the Housing Crisis — with Nick Montgomery” Below the Radar, SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement. Podcast audio, November 10, 2021.