This week on Below The Radar, Am Johal is joined by author and associate professor at the Allard Law School at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Brenna Bhandar. She and Am discuss her research into property, property law, and their relationships to histories of colonialism and racial formations. Brenna offers insight into her book Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land, and Racial Regimes of Ownership. Brenna also talks about gaining an interest concerning the issues of Indigenous dispossession in Canada through her PhD research which was a critique of legal and political forms of recognition, as well as her future projects on property and the doctrine of preemption.

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Brenna Bhandar:
Allard School of Law:
Colonial Lives of Property:
Revolutionary Feminisms:
Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality, and Metamorphosis in the Work of Catherine Malabou:
Acts and omissions: Framing settler colonialism in Palestine Studies:

Dr. Brenna Bhandar is an Associate Professor at Allard Law Faculty, UBC. Dr. Bhandar holds a PhD from the Birkbeck School of Law, University of London. Prior to joining Allard Law, Brenna was a Reader in Law and Critical Theory at SOAS, University of London, and previously held faculty positions at the Queen Mary School of Law, Kent Law School and the University of Reading Law School. She is the author of Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land and Racial Regimes of Ownership which examines how modern property law contributes to the formation of racial subjects in settler colonies and to the development of racial capitalism. She is a co-editor on the books; Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality and Metamorphosis in the work of Catherine Malabou, and Revolutionary Feminisms: Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought. Dr. Brenna Bhandar is a well-known property scholar and legal theorist—as well as an Allard Law graduate. Dr. Bhandar’s transdisciplinary approach to scholarship spans the disciplines of property law, critical theory, colonial legal history and critical race feminism.

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Johal, Am. “Colonial Lives of Property — with Brenna Bhandar.” Below the Radar, SFU’s Vancity Office of Community Engagement. Podcast audio, April 25, 2023.