Today at Belle Curve, we talked about how to resurrect your confidence after it has been beaten up, downtrodden, maybe even murdered by someone or something or some combination of circumstances.  Let’s face it, confidence destroying situations happen to everyone.  And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, hate to break it to you, it […]

The post 81. Resurrecting Confidence After It’s Been Murdered appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

Today at Belle Curve, we talked about how to resurrect your confidence after it has been beaten up, downtrodden, maybe even murdered by someone or something or some combination of circumstances.  Let’s face it, confidence destroying situations happen to everyone.  And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, hate to break it to you, it will.  

In the immortal words of Dory from the movie Finding Nemo, “You can’t never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would ever happen to him.”  Indeed, there’s simply no success without failure.  You have to get into the arena and try, and sometimes those tries are pretty darn messy.  

And occasionally, hopefully VERY occasionally, you really just get the knockout punch.  You are punched clear out of the ring, flat onto your back, gasping for breath.  This is the confidence killing punch that can come from a personal or professional circumstance, but it leaves you wondering how you are ever going to get up.  

Our guest April Benetello  has a lot of insight when it comes to this subject because April is the Chief Executive Officer of  Momentum.  Founded in 2001, Momentum is an Alabama-based non-profit that advances equity for women in leadership through a rigorous executive leadership program, an early-career program, conferences, community events, mentor matching, and corporate training. With over 500 distinguished Alabama women alumnae and a thousand mentor matches, Momentum represents a powerful network of women leaders in Alabama. The best way to reach April is through her LinkedIn Profile.  You can find out more about Momentum at and link to all their socials.

Tune into this show as April gives her list of the most common ways women suffer more than they should when a confidence killer strikes.  As always, we try to end on a positive, and we discuss some practical ways to build confidence back after it has been damaged.  

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Belle Curve is brought to you by HigherEchelon, Inc. – find HigherEchelon at and on LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook.

Resources mentioned:

How to get your confidence back when you’ve been through a rough patch

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know

The post 81. Resurrecting Confidence After It’s Been Murdered appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

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