One of the biggest challenges facing organizations right now, and throughout the past year-plus, is the “Great Resignation”, some have called it “the Great Reshuffle.” According to Business Insider, January 2022 was the 8th straight month in which more than 4 million Americans left their jobs and “quits are still up 23 percent above pre-pandemic […]

The post 80. Generations and The Great Reshuffle with Kristin Scroggin appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

One of the biggest challenges facing organizations right now, and throughout the past year-plus, is the “Great Resignation”, some have called it “the Great Reshuffle.”

According to Business Insider, January 2022 was the 8th straight month in which more than 4 million Americans left their jobs and “quits are still up 23 percent above pre-pandemic levels.” 

Two generations are driving this trend, according to generational expert and this week’s Belle Curve podcast guest:

Young millennial talent who came into the job market at its low and are using this opportunity to reset their terms in a market offering them a plethora of recruiting bonuses, better pay and better working conditions than they may have had in their old positions. Gen Xers who are leaving jobs they may have held for 10-20 years because they are being forced to come back into the office.

In this hilarious episode, we dive deeply into this issue and so much more. Listen and subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or wherever you download podcasts and please leave us a review!

Topics Covered:

Why the word of 2022 should be “churn”.What’s going on with the Great Resignation and why Gen Xers are leaving in droves (but not getting called out for it like Millennials). Which generation has held the most power in recent years and why that is shiftingWhy Gen Xers are less social than Baby Boomers and far more skepticalWhy hybrid has become the main workplace conversationWhat employees (particularly Gen X) are expecting when they come into the physical officeWhy a “you’re dispensable” managerial approach has emboldened millennials to switch companies with less loyaltyThe biggest recurring tension points between generations in the workplaceWhy dress code is still an issueWhy younger and older generations clash on how to assess performance – on quality of hours or on quantity of hours Why managers who try to “catch people not working” and don’t trust their people are creating a bad culture and driving people. Why Gen Xers tend to be so skeptical and tend to think everyone is working an angleWhy Gen Z tends to be risk averse and non-confrontational (even while being uninhibited) whereas Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials are big risk-takers How Baby Boomers can manage the inevitable shift in power that comes as new generations enter the workforce and higher leadership rolesWhy trendy mentorship programs between Baby Boomers and Millennials didn’t tend to workWhy legacy is so important to Boomers and how that can help Boomers be less resistant to passing on their trade secrets to younger generationsWhy soft skills are the major area the next generations need help developing.  Why Gen Z tends to need things spelled out for them and likes to follow very clear directions (and how to help them take more risks)

Resources Mentioned:

Business Insider article: January was the 8th straight month where more than 4 million Americans walked out of their jobsKristin Scroggins and her GenWhy Communications Consulting FirmKristin on LinkedIn and InstagramHigherEchelon, Inc. is a consulting firm providing Human Capital Services including executive coaching and training in leadership, resilience, adaptability, applied high performance, change management, and a range of mental, emotional, and psychological skillsets meant to optimize organizational performance.HigherEchelon also provides a range of technology services such as Salesforce Implementations and ConsultingEnterprise Technology solutionsGaming and Simulation services, and Cyber and Engineering Services.HigherEchelon on LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook.Listen to Belle Curve on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or wherever you download podcasts and leave us a review!

The post 80. Generations and The Great Reshuffle with Kristin Scroggin appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

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