I’m excited to be joined today by Loran Brumley who worked as a SWAT officer and in corrections for more than 20 years. He’s here to give us some tips for keeping your home safe.

For starters, Loran says, criminals aren’t as smart as we think they are! Most burglars don’t have elaborate plans like you see in the movies, but rather knock on doors, and if no one answers, see it as a sign that they can break in. One of the best things you can do to keep people away is getting a dog. Believe it or not, you don't need a giant Rottweiler; small dogs that yap and make lots of noise are actually preferable. A “Beware of Dog” sign is a good option if you don’t have a dog.

After that, you can invest in a security system, which does work. A lot of people simply stick a security system sign on the property, which works well too. Dummy cameras on your house work the same way in keeping people away.

Small dogs are a better deterrent because they’re noisy.

Simple things like extra lighting and motion sensor lights are deterrents as well. Lock your doors of course, and if you leave the house, consider leaving a radio on to make people think you’re home. The TV works too, but it’s cheaper to run a radio, and your TV will burn out faster. They both tell people that somebody might be home.

In the end, [name] says, it’s all pretty basic stuff. If you have any more questions about home security, or you’re thinking about buying or selling a Salt Lake City home, give me a call!