Previous Episode: 4: Forever a Winning Team
Next Episode: 6: POWER OF CHANGE

Welcome to BeLieve Again. Hi I'm Maelynn, The Detox Chef.
In this episode, I will be sharing with you - How to chase after rainbows if life is filled with gloomy clouds...

Welcome to BeLieve Again. Hi I'm Maelynn, The Detox Chef.In this episode, I will be sharing with you -  How to chase after rainbows if life is filled with gloomy clouds...
Once upon a time there was a stay-at-home Maelynn. She has 2 awesome kids and a wonderful husband. Life was good for her as she doesn't have to wake up at 7am, dress up and rush to work taking the perpetually crowded MRT train and squeezing with tje early morning commuters!! She just need to stay at home to make sure the house is spick and span.... finish the household chores and then relax lor... think her life is easy... think again. Dream on man!!!!
Reality bites! Maelynn wakes up at 5.30am. 6am - After brushing her teeth, irons her teenager's uniform and office shirt.6.15am - She has to take out the meat and veggies to prepare pack lumch for her son who working in the business district area so he can cut down his expenses6.20am - Prepares breakfast for her daughter6.35am - Chauffeur her to the nearest mrt station7am - Co tinue with the pack meal preparation7.30am - Makes breakfast for her son8am - Wakes up hubby and make breakfast for him8.30am - Tidy the bedroom and the kids room9am - Put clothes into washing machine10am - My own breakfast10.30am - Dry the clothes11am - Prepare lunch12noon - Lunch2pm - 5pm Hooray! finally Google & Facebook time! Time to do something worthy for myself!
5pm - Prepare Dinner! Cook again!7pm - Wash up 8pm - Keep the clothes9pm - Bath. Read. Rest & Relax11pm - Sleep.
Deep down inside me, I wasn't really happy cos there are some unfulfilled goals. I wanted to get out of this mundane life and I felt that I am capable of more challenging and meaningful stuff. I also wanted to contribute and achieve financial freedom...  I have a lot of invaluable experience and wanted to build a business online.. but I was scared and clueless how to kick start any business online. One day, I was googling for some hope and answers and I saw a group of successful Soul Rich woman entrepreneurs with Genecia. They have my favourite "F" word & I love their motto "Alone I am Strong, Together we are Unstoppable!" Fate brought me to Soul Rich Woman.