Kevin Orosz guides us through a beautiful exploration of what it means to lead conscious life full of intention, purpose and creativity in the modern world. Kevin is a High Performance Coach, Workshop & Retreat Facilitator, and Podcast Host. Using his multidisciplinary approach, Kevin guides clients to break through all manner of limiting beliefs, outdated modalities, and constricting paradigms to uncover their unique story and live their soul’s purpose. He focuses on where the mind, body, and soul meet, developing spiritual abilities by mastering the science of life through magical and radical mindset techniques.

Topics discussed in this episode:

Kevin’s Mission/Purpose [1:00 ] Creativity & Purpose [2:30] Scarcity, Imposter Syndrome & Discipline  [6:30] Masculine Archetypes [11:00] Healing & Integrating Toxic Masculinity [17:45] Flow States [23:30] Origin of Creativity [30:45] Becoming Sovereign [36:30] Weaponized News [43:30] Decentralized Collective Intelligence [47:30]

Resources mentioned in this episode:

BOOK: “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” by Robert Moore [11:00] Zeitgeist Film Series [51:00] Daniel Schmachtenberger’s Consilience Project