This episode is the third of a three part series on client-side development. Kerry and Rinat discuss their initial experiment with applying the MvvmCross framework to the GTD sample’s cross-platform mobile application. They review why they selected this approach, the initial code in the solution, and plans to revise their Core Domain and Published Language into reusable Portable Class Libraries (PCLs). (49 minutes)

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Episode References:

BTW Sample Code for E35 on GitHub
Free MvvmCross Training Videos compliments of @slodge – Stuart Lodge
The Tablet Show (podcast) – Stuart Lodge Builds Cross Platform Apps with MvvmCross
MvvmCross code on GitHub
@mvvmcross on Twitter
JabbR chat room for MvvmCross
Microsoft and Xamarin Partner Globally to Help You Build Great Apps
PCL and .NET NuGet Libraries are now enabled for Xamarin
Greg Shackles on Twitter
Jon Dick on Twitter
Greg and Jon’s ‘Gone Mobile’ podcast
Tomasz Cielecki ‘Cheesebaron’ on Twitter
Knockout with Durandal
Model View ViewModel (MVVM) pattern
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