Right-click or long-press to download and listen offline, or listen on iTunes or Google Play. In this episode, we celebrate Republican senate candidate Roy Moore losing the election in Alabama, discuss a couple of deep takes, then dive into the recent news of SXSW appointing Kelly Brogan to their wellness advisory board. We’ll cap it […]


Right-click or long-press to download and listen offline, or listen on iTunes or Google Play.

In this episode, we celebrate Republican senate candidate Roy Moore losing the election in Alabama, discuss a couple of deep takes, then dive into the recent news of SXSW appointing Kelly Brogan to their wellness advisory board. We’ll cap it off with our Monthly Dose of Stupid.


Deep Takes:

David Gorski’s article on the rise of institutionally supported pseudo-medicine.

Gleb Tsipursky’s article on talking to a science denier without arguing.

Main Article:

Articles from Science Based Medicine and Forbes on the problem with SXSW and Kelly Brogan.

Monthly Dose of Stupid:

Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin reveals his alt-right tendencies, mocks Heather Heyer.