Previous Episode: 134 – Prey At School ()

It’s Friday, and I have an exciting announcement!  I have acquired a new sponsor for the show, a new partner that is making it possible for me to keep creating this content. 
I want to always be straight up with you guys, so I’m telling you now that I will be unveiling this sponsor a little later on in the episode…and also that the rest of today’s content will be rated to this sponsorship. 
On Friday’s I usually leave the day open to talk about whatever is on my mind, as it relates to being a better man.  Today I am going to stray just a tad from usual protocol, because I am talking about something men can use, something I use.  It is a manly piece of clothing.
As many of you know…I wear a kilt almost every day.  For those of you who don’t know…a kilt is a non-bifurcated skirt-type garment that is pleated, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century.
Since then, a ton of people have started wearing them. The kilt is now returning to its roots as an everyday garment. 
There are several reasons to wear a kilt in my opinion.  In fact, here is a link to an article I found  called: (40 REASONS TO WEAR A KILT).
This article is written by a woman…you see, women love kilts on men.  If you don’t believe me just google “why do women love men in kilts” and you can see for yourself.
The reasons I like wearing a kilt are pretty basic; they are super comfortable for one.  The next reason I like them is because I don’t get over-heated when I wear a kilt.  I also like the fact that wherever I go in a kilt, people know I’m there, I get noticed, sometimes people talk to me and ask me questions while I’m wearing a kilt and it’s a great way to meet and get to know people.  Not to mention the fact that it cuts the time it takes me to pee, by half!
A lot of people ask me if I’m Scottish when I’m wearing a kilt.  The answer is no, I’m Norwegian, although I am 22% Irish as well.  The idea that you need to be Scottish to wear a kilt, is a complete myth.  Anyone can wear a kilt.
When I was in Norway I saw some pictures of Norwegians in a region of Norway from around 400 years ago.  Guess what?  People in that part of Norway wore kilts back then too, they even had bagpipes. 
The truth is that many cultures from around the world wore kilts…or kilt-like garments, great wars were fought in them. 
Nowadays, it does take a special kind of man to wear a kilt though.  Wearing a kilt requires a certain amount of confidence, because you will be noticed, you will be approached, and it takes a degree of confidence to deal with that.  It can also be said that simply the act of wearing a kilt, is a declaration of confidence by the man wearing it.  So, it’s a good thing this audience is full of confident men.
Like I said, I wear mine almost every day.  I have worn a kilt in every type of weather.  I wore one climbing Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park.  Also, when I was on a Norwegian Reality show.  When I officiated my friend Matti’s wedding, when I shear sheep, when I build fences, when I cut firewood…literally, when I do almost everything I wear a kilt…and, if I have to wear pants for some reason, I hate it, and can’t wait to get back into the freedom of the kilt.  Heck, I’m wearing one right now.  I posted a couple pictures below of me in my Stump town kilt for your amusement.
There are very few garments that I would refer to as being manly, but the kilt is one of them.  I think for me it harkens back to the people who made them famous.  The Scottish Highlanders were a bunch of incredibly tough, hardened, manly guys…they were like Vikings without boats.
OK, it is now time to unveil our new sponsor.  Way back when I first started this podcast I had no idea how it would do, or if anyone would listen.  I knew if it did do well that I would eventually have

It’s Friday, and I have an exciting announcement!  I have acquired a new sponsor for the show, a new partner that is making it possible for me to keep creating this content. 
I want to always be straight up with you guys, so I’m telling you now that I will be unveiling this sponsor a little later on in the episode…and also that the rest of today’s content will be rated to this sponsorship. 
On Friday’s I usually leave the day open to talk about whatever is on my mind, as it relates to being a better man.  Today I am going to stray just a tad from usual protocol, because I am talking about something men can use, something I use.  It is a manly piece of clothing.
As many of you know…I wear a kilt almost every day.  For those of you who don’t know…a kilt is a non-bifurcated skirt-type garment that is pleated, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century.
Since then, a ton of people have started wearing them. The kilt is now returning to its roots as an everyday garment. 
There are several reasons to wear a kilt in my opinion.  In fact, here is a link to an article I found  called:   40 REASONS TO WEAR A KILT.
This article is written by a woman…you see, women love kilts on men.  If you don’t believe me just google “why do women love men in kilts” and you can see for yourself.
The reasons I like wearing a kilt are pretty basic; they are super comfortable for one.  The next reason I like them is because I don’t get over-heated when I wear a kilt.  I also like the fact that wherever I go in a kilt, people know I’m there, I get noticed, sometimes people talk to me and ask me questions while I’m wearing a kilt and it’s a great way to meet and get to know people.  Not to mention the fact that it cuts the time it takes me to pee, by half!
A lot of people ask me if I’m Scottish when I’m wearing a kilt.  The answer is no, I’m Norwegian, although I am 22% Irish as well.  The idea that you need to be Scottish to wear a kilt, is a complete myth.  Anyone can wear a kilt.
When I was in Norway I saw some pictures of Norwegians in a region of Norway from around 400 years ago.  Guess what?  People in that part of Norway wore kilts back then too, they even had bagpipes. 
The truth is that many cultures from around the world wore kilts…or kilt-like garments, great wars were fought in them. 
Nowadays, it does take a special kind of man to wear a kilt though.  Wearing a kilt requires a certain amount of confidence, because you will be noticed, you will be approached, and it takes a degree of confidence to deal with that.  It can also be said that simply the act of wearing a kilt, is a declaration of confidence by the man wearing it.  So, it’s a good thing this audience is full of confident men.
Like I said, I wear mine almost every day.  I have worn a kilt in every type of weather.  I wore one climbing Half-Dome in Yosemite National Park.  Also, when I was on a Norwegian Reality show.  When I officiated my friend Matti’s wedding, when I shear sheep, when I build fences, when I cut firewood…literally, when I do almost everything I wear a kilt…and, if I have to wear pants for some reason, I hate it, and can’t wait to get back into the freedom of the kilt.  Heck, I’m wearing one right now.  I posted a couple pictures below of me in my Stump town kilt for your amusement.
There are very few garments that I would refer to as being manly, but the kilt is one of them.  I think for me it harkens back to the people who made them famous.  The Scottish Highlanders were a bunch of incredibly tough, hardened, manly guys…they were like Vikings without boats.
OK, it is now time to unveil our new sponsor.  Way back when I first started this podcast I had no idea how it would do, or if anyone would listen.  I knew if it did do well that I would eventually have sponsors and other forms of monetization that would allow me to keep doing it.
I decided way back then that there was one sponsor in particular that I really wanted to have…and that, is the very same company that makes the kilts I wear. 
I am happy to announce that this has become a reality.  This podcast now has a new partner, a new sponsor for the Friday shows.  Introducing StumpTown Kilts
They are based just a couple hours away from me in Portland Oregon.  The nickname of that city is Stump Town because in 1847 when they were experiencing ridiculous growth, trees were cut down to make way for roads and buildings.  The stumps of those trees were cast aside until they had enough manpower to move them, so for awhile, there were stumps everywhere.  Hence the name; Stump town.
I wanted Stump Town Kilts to be a partner of this show because I want to make their kilts available to the rest of the world, and to my listeners in particular.  They are, in my opinion, the finest, most well designed kilts you can buy for everyday use.  I have three of them; a black one, a charcoal gray, and a hunter green…and I love them all.
Many people don’t realize that the traditional plaid kilts you see are called ‘Tartans’, and they were usually made of wool.  In Scotland each clan or family group has a different design and that was their family Tartan, and how they could tell each other apart.
Stump Town Kilts are not Tartans.  They are modern, brilliantly designed kilts made from superior fabric in a wide range of colors, even camouflage!
I have owned other kilts, when I got my first StumpTown I never wore the others again, I actually gave my old ones to a charity.
What is so special about Stump Town Kilts?  Here are just a couple things make them unique; for one they are machine wash and wear, no ironing required.  They are adjustable to 5 or 6 sizes, they have different pockets and accessories that snap on where you need them to be.  There is a huge hidden, internal pocket in the front that will hold a ton of stuff.  They are sewn with non-curling box pleats. 
In my opinion they are the Cadillac of utility type kilts, but are still elegant enough to wear someplace fancy…and I have.
As a sponsor of this show what Stump Town kilts has agreed to do is give you, the listeners of this show a special code.  This code will allow you to receive 10% off of your online purchase. 
That code is ‘betterman’ all one word, all lower case.  To receive that discount just go to, look around, figure out what you want, and then type betterman at the time of purchase and you will receive this special offer.
Another thing Stump Town is prepared to do is donate a free kilt for a contest give away.  I have not figured out how to structure the contest yet…but I am open to suggestions, so if you have an idea about that, let me know.
So if you are driving or working out right now, don’t worry.  All of this information will be available at the top of the Manly Resource Center, in the menu tab at the top of this page.
I realize I talked about kilts for this entire episode, but I couldn’t help it.  I’m really excited about this sponsorship because it’s something I use, something I can stand behind and represent, something that I value, and I am happy to be able to share that with you.
So if you have ever, in your whole life toyed with the idea of wearing a kilt, this is the one.  Head over to and check them out.
To be clear though…wearing a kilt won’t make you a better man, only you can do that.  However, If you are going to be a better man you may as well look like one, and wearing a Stump Town Kilt is a step in the right direction.
Alright guys, head out into the big world, have a fantastic weekend.  Be an exemplary example of manhood wherever you go…because somebody is always watching.  Above all though, remember to be a better man today than you were yesterday.
   This is me at my friends wedding!
  Another wedding shot.
  Me playing a goofy game.
  On Top of Half Dome, In Yosemite
Here are some quick Links:

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