
Meet Larry Winget
The Pitt Bull of personal development
That is a name he has earned, when you listen to the episode you will understand why. He has spoken to nearly 400 of the fortune 500 companies, and is in the international speaker hall of fame. 
He has been the host of his own show on A&E. 
He is a regular contributor on several national news programs talking about business, parenting, personal finance and personal development. 
Larry is a prolific author of several books, some of my favorite titles are “Grow A Pair”, “Shut up, Stop Whining and get a life”, “You’re broke because you want to be”, “People are idiots and I can prove it”, and “Your kids are your own fault!”  He is a six time wall street journal / New York Times best selling author.
I first noticed Larry a couple years ago and was immediately a fan of his straight forward, logical, common sense, unapologetic no-nonsense approach…about things that matter. 
When I was in the process of starting this podcast I knew that one day…I would try and have Larry on the show…That day has arrived and I’m glad it did because Larry imparts some very valuable information to us today.
Some things to watch out for in this episode:
Larry’s #1 rule for life and business
Larry elaborates on his philosophy that “Your life is your own damn fault!”
I ask Larry what he thinks about the Millennial generation.
And finally…Larry’s strategy that can help you get started being a better man today than you were yesterday! This is an important one; it’s a great exercise for everyone to do and this is your CALL TO ACTION for this episode.
Larry invites you to follow him on social media and to head over to his website at (  There you can see what he’s up to, read his blog, download some free stuff and go to his online store and check out his books and other informative products he has there.
I want to thank you for the feedback I’m receiving about the show, I really appreciate it…keep it coming.  Just hit the (Contact Alf tab) in the menu and send me an email.


Meet Larry Winget
The Pitt Bull of personal development
That is a name he has earned, when you listen to the episode you will understand why. He has spoken to nearly 400 of the fortune 500 companies, and is in the international speaker hall of fame. 
He has been the host of his own show on A&E. 
He is a regular contributor on several national news programs talking about business, parenting, personal finance and personal development. 
Larry is a prolific author of several books, some of my favorite titles are “Grow A Pair”, “Shut up, Stop Whining and get a life”, “You’re broke because you want to be”, “People are idiots and I can prove it”, and “Your kids are your own fault!”  He is a six time wall street journal / New York Times best selling author.
I first noticed Larry a couple years ago and was immediately a fan of his straight forward, logical, common sense, unapologetic no-nonsense approach…about things that matter. 
When I was in the process of starting this podcast I knew that one day…I would try and have Larry on the show…That day has arrived and I’m glad it did because Larry imparts some very valuable information to us today.
Some things to watch out for in this episode:
Larry’s #1 rule for life and business
Larry elaborates on his philosophy that “Your life is your own damn fault!”
I ask Larry what he thinks about the Millennial generation.
And finally…Larry’s strategy that can help you get started being a better man today than you were yesterday! This is an important one; it’s a great exercise for everyone to do and this is your CALL TO ACTION for this episode.
Larry invites you to follow him on social media and to head over to his website at  There you can see what he’s up to, read his blog, download some free stuff and go to his online store and check out his books and other informative products he has there.
I want to thank you for the feedback I’m receiving about the show, I really appreciate it…keep it coming.  Just hit the Contact Alf tab in the menu and send me an email.

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