
The Skill Of Decisiveness!
In this Free For All Friday episode I am talking about a critical skill; the skill of decisiveness.
I am not just talking about making decisions…I’m talking about living as a decisive man.  Decisiveness is a skill that makes it possible for us to get things done, and as men, that’s what we should be doing; getting things done.
In this episode I explain what exactly decisiveness is, what the benefits of it are, and…how to become a decisive man.
I even talk about something I discovered that I have to change to be more decisive…and therefore a better man.  We all have room to improve, and I am no exemption.
Living as a decisive man is just one more thing we can all do to become better men today, than we were yesterday. (

Hey, don’t forget to sign up on the email list, the form is right here:


The Skill Of Decisiveness!
In this Free For All Friday episode I am talking about a critical skill; the skill of decisiveness.
I am not just talking about making decisions…I’m talking about living as a decisive man.  Decisiveness is a skill that makes it possible for us to get things done, and as men, that’s what we should be doing; getting things done.
In this episode I explain what exactly decisiveness is, what the benefits of it are, and…how to become a decisive man.
I even talk about something I discovered that I have to change to be more decisive…and therefore a better man.  We all have room to improve, and I am no exemption.
Living as a decisive man is just one more thing we can all do to become better men today, than we were yesterday.

Hey, don’t forget to sign up on the email list, the form is right here:

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