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Join "The Godfather of Photography" Rick Sammon and me as we take a photography road trip on the coast of Oregon, on this episode of Behind the Shot.

I have had to describe Rick Sammon to people on a number of occasions, and it seems to get progressively harder the more I get to know him. This will Rick’s forth time on Behind the Shot, which is more than any other guest. The next closest is Don Komarechka with 3 times.

Why do I enjoy having Rick on so much? Let’s see, Rick is a legend. Every time I met him, or talk with him, I am amazed at how much he enjoys what he does, his photography, educating photographers from amateurs to pros, and living life. Along with his wife Susan, Rick is honestly with one of the best there is, and I learn something every time we chat.

Rick is an award winning photographer, and one of the members of the elite Canon Explorer of Light program. A tireless, prolific and inspirational image-maker, Rick, called by many “The Godfather of Photography,” is one of the most active photographers on the planet – dividing his time between creating images, leading photo workshops and seminars, and making personal appearances. His enthusiasm for digital imaging is contagious. He is a man on a mission – a mission to make digital photography fun, creative, exciting and rewarding for others. He even does private coaching. Yeah, private coaching from Rick Sammon. That would be awesome. And if you are looking for great video training, Rick has almost 20 classes on KelbyOne, not to mention a wonderfully personal interview he did with Kalebra Kelby (who in her own right is an amazing photographer that does stuff with an iPhone I wish I could do).

I am always impressed how “Creative People” seem to be creative in many areas. Rick has authored more photography books than anyone I know. His recent book, “The Route 66 Photo Road Trip: How to Eat, Stay, Play, and Shoot Like a Pro”, is one I bought two copies of – one for me to use while driving to New Mexico, and one for the people we were visiting there. His latest book, co-authored by his wife Susan Sammon, and just released the day before this show went live, is “The Oregon Coast Photo Road Trip: How to Eat, Stay, Play, and Shoot Like a Pro“. You might see the connection there, both the Oregon and Route 66 books are not only photo books, but guide books. You have the opportunity to just sit back and watch the Sammon’s take a trip while enjoying their images, or to plan your own trip. They give you valuable tips for planning, what to take, apps that might come in handy, locations to see and more. For the photographers they give you shooting tips that you can use anywhere, even though they may be presented in relation to this trip. From panos to shutter speeds, this book will take you on the trip with them, or better yet inspire you to take your own. One of my favorite sections is “Susan’s Photo Tips for Smart Phone Cameras”. She shares techniques and apps that can help you go from snapshots to great shots.

I first learned about Rick through his podcasting, and Rick has now teamed up with fellow KelbyOne instructor Larry Becker, for the Picturing Success podcast. I am honored to say that I have been a guest on the show twice, on shows 7 and 81, but don’t let that stop you… every show has guests giving valuable and inspirational information on achieving success.

I asked Rick once how he describes his photography, and he answered “evolving,” I kinda dig that description. He even hesitates to categorize his work. He does it all, and enjoys the freedom of not specializing.

With nearly 40 years of experience, this self-taught photographer has many accomplishments – and as Rick suggests, “When you are through changing, you are through”. One other thing needs to be said about Rick… as mentioned above Rick’s partner is his wife Susan. While Rick seems to get the bulk of the attention, Susan deserves her own. Behind every successful person there is often a spouse, or special person that helps push them, guide them, and in many ways drive the success. That is Susan. She is there on his workshops, and she is the co-author of these books. I am thankful Rick has such a talented partner and look forward to what these two do next.

Join “The Godfather of Photography” Rick Sammon and me as we take a photography road trip though Oregon, on this episode of Behind the Shot.

Connect with Rick


Instagram: @ricksammonphotography

Facebook: @RickSammonPhotography

Twitter: @ricksammon

Rick’s Workshops, Seminars, and Coaching

Rick’s Books on Amazon

Photo Quest: Discovering Your Photographic & Artistic Voice

Photo Therapy Motivation and Wisdom: Discovering the Power of Pictures

The Oregon Coast Photo Road Trip

The Route 66 Photo Road Trip

All of Rick’s Books on Amazon

The Picturing Success Podcast, with Larry Becker

Picturing Success Podcast

Rick’s Classes on KelbyOne


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