"I was the world's worst Ice Cream Man who went to have a cup of tea with his mum"

Everybody has that one band. That band that you discovered in your teens that made you realize music can mean more to a person than mere beat and melody. That band that helps you discover who you are. That band that soundtracks your adolescence and thus your entire life. For me, that band was Bauhaus.

So naturally, I was more than thrilled when David J Haskins (the bassist of Bauhaus, founder of Love and Rockets, solo artist, writer, producer and playwrite) came to hang out on the patio and chat. We talked about his life, his music, dead end jobs, the beauty of living room shows and working within the modern context of today's music industry.

Listen above or subscribe directly on ITunes here - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/coscene/id984770607