Behind The Scene Episode 5 – I Sank Molly Brown

After a short, start-of-the-summer break, Behind The Scene is back! For this episode, Dan from The Mountain Standard Show and I joined forces to have a chat with one of our favorite Denver bands, I Sank Molly Brown.

This is a band that has been together for 11 years. In the local music world, this is a huge accomplishment in and of itself. In this talk, you really get a sense for why this band has been able to stay together for so song. Simply put, they have developed a brotherhood that just loves to write, record and play music together. They are all each other’s favorite musicians and that fact resonates strong in their live performance, where their love for the craft is nothing but infectious.

In this podcast, ISMB talks about their history, their transformation, and their passion for connecting with fans. And as any group of musicians will do when they get together, we wax poetic on the current state of the music scene, what’s great, what’s frustrating and how we grumpy old guys can surely fix it all. Enjoy!

Check out I Sank Molly Brown here:

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