Title: Annals of Surgery Journal Club #10: Ventral Hernia Repair

  Join us for our 10th joint Journal Club with Annals of Surgery. This time our guest author is Dr. Todd Heniford, Chief of GI and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Carolinas Medical Center, director of the Carolinas Hernia institute, and a well-known expert in the field of abdominal wall resection. 

We also have a guest moderator, Dr. Dana Telem (@DanaTelem), who is Associate Professor of Surgery and director of the Comprehensive Hernia Program at the University of Michigan. 

Dr. Heniford is lead author of a new study on the preperitoneal method of ventral hernia repair, published recently in Annals: https://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/Abstract/publishahead/Preperitoneal_Ventral_Hernia_Repair__A_Decade_Long.95443.aspx   Join us for a great discussion of ventral hernia decision-making and technique with two leading experts!