When On Running Co-Founder Olivier Bernhard was a child, running made him feel whole. He had trouble focusing in school and he says that in today’s society he would have probably been given medication to help him focus. Luckily his parents saw the energy he needed to expel and put him into a running club. That changed everything. The experience of moving his body and running gave him a sense of belonging and place and eventually he would grow up to be a pro Swiss athlete.

“I’ve been a runner all my life,” he says. “I would say I’ve had this DNA in me. I started racing
when I was five or six years old, and I enjoyed it. Maybe not so much to climb the podium and
claim a medal. It was more the feeling of running; the breathing and heartbeat...”
Bernhard—a multi-championship Ironman never intended to be at the helm of a disruptor brand, nor did he intend to create a running shoe company. The idea sort of found him when he was looking at ways, not to create new running products but to create a different kind of running experience and feeling.

Special thanks to our sponsor WeWork!
I love my WeWork office because it perfectly suits my entrepreneurial lifestyle and business model. I have a small production company that has grown a little each year. As I grow and add team members, WeWork has a modular solution for offices or remote workers all over the world. Want to know more? Visit my VIP link and set up a tour: https://refer.wework.com/i/BRYANELLIOTT

Special thanks to our sponsor Vimeo!
I’ve been a Pro User of Vimeo basically since I started my production company in 2010. Vimeo is for creative professions like me and I use it several different ways:

It’s a place for me to upload videos with a password for my clients to be able to review and download the work I’m doing for them.  There’s no compression or crushing of black colors or over saturation like when I  upload to Youtube. My clients get the full 4K resolution HD as it was intended.I use Vimeo to host / broadcast live events…I also use Vimeo for my portfolio, case studies —and it never has annoying pre roll ads. I can create a customized player and keep people on my landing page so they don’t get distracted and go down the rabbit hole watching someone else’s stuff. What you may not know is that Vimeo can be used if you’re in HR to put all your on-boarding videos in one place.. you could do the same if you teach a course…put your vids behind a paywall  and charge for it.Need a videographer, Creative director or editor? Vimeo let’s you post jobs or find creative professionals. 

There are a ton more options so I would suggest checking them out. Just go to Vimeo.com and see what’s possible!