Are you at a loss sometimes when you are confronted with a situation and emotions are intense? Do you wish you had a toolbox of things that you could do? AND here's a spoiler alert - Marni and I talk about a series of experiences that we are offering that will help you develop a strategy for crazy situations.

In season 2 episode 6, I travel virtually from my Safety Harbor, Florida studio North to DC to speak with Marni Ratner about the art of expressive living.  Marni is a big dreamer, voice coach, and believes in the power of Energy-Inspiration-Breath. 

The art of expressive living incorporates the modalities of - theater, music, and dance, yoga, therapeutic breath and functional movement patterns. 

Marni is a big dreamer, voice coach, and believes in the power of Energy-Inspiration-Breath. The art of expressive living incorporates the modalities of - theater, music, and dance, yoga, therapeutic breath and functional movement patterns. And right now Travel.

Check out Marni here.

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If you'd like to watch this episode click here and see it on my YouTube channel.

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