On episode 63, the Bitches bring on Chase Hughes who rivals our other guests with the longest and most impressive resume ever. Chase is a leading behavior expert in the United States and a #1 bestselling author of two books on tactical behavior skills. What started out as asking a girl out in a bar and getting #rejected, led to an obsession on understanding human behavior and the art of persuasion in the most extreme conditions. Chase helps us tackle the question of what makes us consider someone to be of authority. Chase's favorite quote is, “Everyone is wearing a mask, I’ll introduce you to the people behind them.” In today’s day this could not be more relevant #COVID. His law enforcement courses save lives around the world and he constantly pushes the boundaries of what's possible with human interaction. Although, we come from different backgrounds at the end of the day we are all humans and have behaviors #duh.

Episode Show notes:

Chase’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUBj_5pwQZaoXfBrEQQbADw

Website: https://chasehughes.com/our-company/

*Please advise, Applied Behavior Research, LLC (Chase’s company) is not the same as applied behavior analysis* so do not match the exact terminology we use when using our Cooper books.

The famous Milgram experiment: in case you missed it in PSYCH101 like Casey:
